Brushing Your Teeth with Braces the Right Way

By Snyder Orthodontics: You know it’s important to brush your teeth. Everyone knows that! But when you get braces, Snyder Orthodontics knows it can be a bit more time-intensive than regular, everyday brushing. When you have braces, brushing your teeth is a new adventure. With all those brackets and wires taking up space in your mouth, you […]

Orthodontic Team Appreciation Week at Snyder Orthodontics

By Snyder Orthodontics: Did you know that June 4 starts orthodontic appreciation week? It’s a week dedicated to giving a thank you to the orthodontic team that made your smile beautiful. A beautiful smile goes far deeper than just the surface. When you have a brilliant smile on your face, you’re able to look at […]

Your Solution For TMJ

What is TMJ? Your temporomandibular joint connects your jawbone to your skull. These small joints that create the hinge in front your ears get a lot of use. They facilitate the movement of your jaw, up and down, and from side to side. You use these joints and muscles all day long, whenever your chew, […]