Choose Invisalign For A New Smile In The New Year
By Snyder Orthodontics: We’ve said goodbye to the year 2018 and welcomed 365 brand new days—fresh opportunities for growth, success, and happiness. This year, don’t let anything hold your teen back from achieving their perfect smile. For many teenagers, crooked or imperfect teeth can have a negative impact on self-confidence. Make a New Year’s resolution […]
Dr. Snyder Has Been Published In The American Journal of Orthodontics
By Snyder Orthodontics: Snyder Orthodontics is proud to announce that Dr. Snyder has published a guest editorial in the prestigious American Journal of Orthodontics. Dr. Snyder addresses the need for ethical guidelines in the professional work and the standards for admission to the American Association of Orthodontics. The editorial also discusses the need for members […]
Snyder Orthodontics Loves National Orthodontic Health Month!
By Snyder Orthodontics: October brings lots of changes and new experiences…cooler weather, crackling leaves, cozy fires, and Halloween! For orthodontists across the country, October brings National Orthodontic Health Month and an opportunity to remind patients of some care and safety basics for their orthodontia. Dr. Snyder and his team want you to remember these tips […]